Dear Friends,
I only send this shameful and disturbing information so that parents and grandparents can be informed of the evils of Planned Parenthood and how schools are forcing this on our children. We all need to be vigilant! Please pass this to others.
Thank you and please continue to pray for strong families!
Catholic Parents OnLine
Parents Outraged at Planned Parenthood Class Teaching Sexual Positions
The group's teen page, meanwhile, teaches visitors "all about the anus" and lauds the health benefits of masturbation.
By Kathleen Gilbert
SHENANDOAH, Iowa, June 24, 2010 ( - Parents in Southwest Iowa have reacted in horror after learning that Planned Parenthood's co-ed sex education course not only used pornographic teaching materials but also taught children sexual positions.
Colleen Dostal told Fox News Radio, after discovering that her 14-year-old son had been taught sexual positions using stuffed animals meant to represent STDs, that the class was "horribly inappropriate."
“I do not understand why any adult with a classroom of children would show them sexual positions,” she told Fox. (She forgets these are not adults, human yes, but not adults - they have not attained the maturity level to be considered adults.)
Dostal said the class also included directions on performing female exams and used an anatomically correct model of a male sex organ to explain how to use a condom.
The parents said the school's principal was "mortified" when told the content of the class and apologized. (It is nice to see that the Principal stepped up to his position.) Several other parents complained to school superintendent Dick Profit. Profit, however, claimed he had received equal numbers of calls supporting and opposing the explicit sex-ed, according to the World Herald.
Speaking for Planned Parenthood, Jennifer Horner defended the curriculum as giving children "accurate" information.
"We are not trying to keep any of this a secret. All information we use is medically accurate and science based," she said. (Because as we know our current slant of "science" always has the best interest of the culture and family in mind.)
Planned Parenthood's extremely explicit take on teen sex-ed is evident from the "Teen Talk" section of their website, a series of pages decorated with images of heterosexual and homosexual intimacy, which leads youngsters to a wealth of information on deviant sexual practices.
One page entitled "All about the anus: how much do you really know about your anus?" gives explicit details on anal penetration as a source of sexual pleasure and "as a way to preserve the woman's virginity." (And a way to preserve her dignity, I'm sure.) While noting that anal penetration "is, of course, high risk for HIV," PP advocates using condoms or "Sheer Glyde dams" to protect against the fatal virus. (Oh, well its still OK then.)
Elsewhere, Planned Parenthood dedicates a web page to advocating masturbation as "safe and healthy, and it's here to stay." The article hails the painkilling and stress-relieving qualities of masturbation, and assures that it's "fine" to do so several times a day.
Here we go again Planned Parenthood stuffing their views on the culture and families, thank goodness parents had the guts to call the school over this.
H/T Catholic Parents Online
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