The Home Depot fires patriotic Christian, approves homosexuals
Employee wearing patriotic button is fired. Employees wearing pro-homosexual buttons praised.
August 9, 2010
The Home Depot fired an employee for refusing to remove a "One nation under God" patriotic button from his work apron. Trevor Keezor, a Christian, said he wore the button to support his country and his 27-year-old brother, who serves in the military in Iraq (story and video here).
Dozens of homosexual employees participated in Home Depot-sponsored gay pride parades and festivals. Many employees wore numerous buttons on their aprons promoting homosexuality.
The Home Depot defended them by saying homosexual employees will not be prohibited "in any way" when it comes to what they do and wear. The picture here shows employees who decorated their aprons for a Lesbian and Gay Film Festival in Seattle, Washington.
So...if you wear a "One Nation Under God" button, you will be fired. If you wear a "gay" button, you get company praise.
Well, here we go again. There is more and more in the media saying we are headed down the slippery slope. I can't believe how much I have seen and read in just the last week that promotes the homosexual agenda and completely demonizes traditional Christian values. Tolerance......were? I can't seem to see it..from them! Double tongued. As much as I don't like Menards, well I may have to start going there exclusively.
1. Sign the Boycott Pledge at
2. Call your local store manager. Let the manager know that you will not be shopping at The Home Depot until the company stops supporting the homosexual agenda. You can find the number here. (click "Store Finder").
3. Print the paper petition and distribute it at Sunday School and church.
HT - American Family Association & Catholic Parents Online
Bishop Grob Named Archbishop of Milwaukee
4 months ago
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