Thursday, July 26, 2012

Can't Agree with this MORE

Yes,  it is getting better - but like Mr. Voris - when it is compared to what it WAS, well we have a ways to go.

It reminds me of the parental thought process of...."Well, yeah my kid does such and such, but atleast he's not in jail".............nothing like comparing ourselves to the worst case scenario.  Ummm - what happened to striving for the best?

It is better to shoot for the stars and miss than aim at the gutter and hit it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Catholic Coffee House Opens in Rochester

Congratulations to St. James Coffee!!!!!!!!!!

Grand Opening TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bishop Quinn celebrated Mass at the coffee house last week in preparation for the grand opening today.  What a blessing it will be to have an unapologetic Catholic presence in Rochester now.  Awesome.  To paraphrase Fr. Fasnacht - "We'll bring them in with the coffee, talk, and friendship, and Jesus in the Chapel will seal the deal."  Yeah.  BTW - It was truly an inspiration to see Bishop Quinn so devoted to this coffee houses' success that he took a whole evening out of his schedule to drive an hour to Rochester to support this cause.  Thank you, Bishop.


6:00AM-6PM   Mon-Sat

4156 18TH AVE NW
Rochester, MN 55901

*just East of Pax Christi